woensdag 11 december 2013

tips and tricks for the cold wheater 1 (skin)

One of my favourite months of the year has come, december! But december is also very cold and chilly. there's dry air, wind and snow. how can you be prepared for all of this? This week I'm going to take you on a trip through all my tip's and tricks for the cold wheater. Hope you are ready!!!

We are going to start with skin!!

Body butter

My skin gets so dry in the winter months. That's why I highly suggest a good moisterizing body butter. I prefer body butter above lotion because it's thicker and gives more moisture to your skin. One that I have been using for a while is one from rituals. It's nice, thick and smells delicious!

But this one from rituals is pretty expensive as well. So you can also use natural oils like olive oil or almond oil. they are super moisterizing and healthy, but they don't get fast in your skin so if you decide to wear jeans directly after applying than the oil get's on your jeans. I only recomment to use natural oils before bed or something. another way to get a very moisterizing butter without spending alot is making it yourself! In this link I show you how to make your own body butter:


ofcourse you need to wash your body once in a while, otherwise it would be quit dirty. but I know some people wash every day and that;s not good. if you wash your body with soap, well ofcourse you become clean, but all the good bacterias and substances on your skin get wahsed off as well. tallow holds warmth, and if you wash that off, you will get cold sooner. on your skin there are also alot of good bacterias who keep warmth but also gives your skin vitamines and  keep your skin healthy. when it's not healthy it will itchy, become red and even might hurt on a certain moment. what I would recomment is to wash your intire body with soap once a week. what way your skin get's enough time to reproduce the good bacteria and stay healthy.


That were my tips and tricks to keep your skin moisterized and healthy.
My next article will be about how to keep your hair healthy and smooth!
So keep tuned!

Loves creastyles

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