dinsdag 24 februari 2015

Tips against frizzy hair!

I think we all know the problem.. FRIZZY HAIR D:
I don't know a girl who hasn't dealed with this problem.
In this article I am going to give you a few tips how you can tame you frizzy hair.

1. Use oils

Use oils in your hair to tame the frizziness. It smooths out your hair and makes your hair a bit heavier which also makes flyaways don't show up. Your hair already has natural oils, just adding some extra makes it even more healthy.

2. Don't wash you hair to many times

Your hair also produces natural oils. The natural oils that accumulate are good frizz fighters. It is best to wash your hair once or twice a week.

3. Conditioner

unless if your hair is super fine, use a conditioner after every time you washed your hair. It's best to leave the conditioner in for some minutes so that it can get in your hair. Frizz happends when dry, porous hair sucks up moisture in the air, this causes the shaft to swell. conditioner coats the hair shaft, making it harder for moisture to sink in. It's also very good to use a hair mask once in a while. You can do this every two weeks. Just make sure you do it regularly.

4. Don't use heat to much

If your hair gets damaged by heat it can cause your hair to frizz and fray. I recomment to always use a heat protecting spray before blow drying or using a curling/straightening iron. Also don't use heat on your hair to much. It's not good to use heat everyday but 2 times a week is no problem, as long as you use heat protection!!

5. Alcohol free products

A lot of hair sprays and mousses have high alcohol content. alcohol can cause the cuticle to swell up and get frizzy. Alcohol can also dry out your hair. You can search for a complete free alcohol product or just skip them completely.

6. flyaways?

we shouldn;t forget about those anoying flyaways. A thing that you can do to grab those untamed stands is to spray a little bit of shine spray or hair spray in a tooth brush and skim over your hair.

Lots of ♥ and I see you nect time xx

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