vrijdag 13 september 2013

make your own tea!

are you a real tea fan? every morning I take a glass of tea, it;s sort of a start for my day!
tea bags are delicious, but it's even more fun to make your own tea!
you can choose your favourie flavours and spices and mix them!
let's get started!

spice tea

  • spice of your choice (flesh or dried)
  • boiling water
  • tea glass

wich spices do what?
  • nettle: warming
  • yarrow: cleaning when you have a cold, good for your intestines.
  • birch: good for your bladder and kidney.
  • plantain: great for your throat.
  • lemon balm: refleshing
  • muit: stimulant and refleshing for your throut and mouth.
  • camomile: helps against menstruation pain and calming.
  • lavender: calming.
  • thyme: good for your throat.
  • elderflower: good for airways and claming.
  • rosemary: refleshing.
  • lindebloesem: to get to sleep.
do your spices in a "tea dipper"(bowl with holes) and close. do hot water in a glass and dip your bowl with holes in it for a few times. your delicious tea is done!

fruit tea
  • fruit of your choise
  • boiled water
  • sieve
do hot water in a glass and do a few fruit slices in there. let it soak for a few seconds and take the fruit out again with your sieve. and drink!

few delicious combinations:
  1. slice of lemon, a slice cucumber and two leafs mint.
  2. three grapes (cut in half), 1 slice of apple, cinnamon and a little bit of suger.
  3. three strawberry's, one blackberry, one red beryy and one cherry. (cut the fruit in half and mix it through in your hot water)
  4. two slices of pear and one and a half teaspoon of honey.
if the taste is a little bit acrid or sour you can always ad some suger in there to stabilisize the taste.

enjoy making your own tea!

let me know if you tried one of these recipes yourself!

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